Not too long ago, Timex conducted research that measured how long people are willing to wait in certain situations.
- Parents ignoring a crying baby in public? Most people wait 46 seconds before giving them a dirty look.
- Someone talking in a movie theater? Most people start shushing after 26 seconds.
- A car in front of you not moving after the light turns green? Most people start honking after just 13 seconds.
Now ask yourself: How long do you think your customers will remain patient after they call you for a rush delivery? How about after you tell them that it’s going to take some time, probably a few weeks, to get their product through your line, loaded on trucks and then shipped a time zone or two away?
You already know how they’re going to react. You may as well be telling them that the traffic light is green and they won’t be able to move forward for maybe a month. Get ready for honking.
Now imagine that you have Royal Chemical as your behind-the-scenes production partner. All of a sudden, you are:
Closer to your customers: Royal Chemical has five strategically located facilities through the United States, instantly deploying you nearer to your customers and allowing you to deliver your product in hours instead of days.
Faster through the line: At each of those five facilities we can make your products with lightning-fast lead times, days instead of weeks.
A cost-saving hero to your customers: With the fast response times you gain by partnering with Royal Chemical, you will serve your customers faster than you ever imagined. That means they can keep less inventory on hand and devote less space to storing your product. You save them money, lower their inventory uncertainty, remove the risk of empty shelves and ease their worries. They’ll love you for it.
This makes even more sense if your product is seasonal, weather-dependent or prone to volatile spikes in demand. Let Royal Chemical help you and your customers sleep at night by being a trusted, behind-the-scenes production partner.
When the light turns green, we can help you and your business… floor it. Contact us today to get started.